Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Examples Of Wedding Sponsor Letters

The final tournament in 2007

Ecco i finalisti del torneo K-1 2007 che si svolgerà l'8 dicembre prossimo presso la Yokohama Arena , Kanagawa, Giappone:

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pokemon Fire Red Gsphone Cheats

K-1 K-1 WORLD MAX 2007: Final results

Here are the results of the K-1 World Max 2007 held on 3 October in Tokyo at the Nippon Budokan :

- Masato ( Japan) against Buakaw Por Pramuka (Thailand): Masato wins at the end of 3round Arbitrate

- Mike Zambidis (Greece) v Artur Kyshenko (Ukraine): Ukrainian wins in extra. round decision to

- Albert Kraus (Holland) v Yoshihiro Sato (Japan) wins Kraus 3round for decision at the end of

- Andy Souwer ( Holland) v Drago (Armenia): Dutch wins by KO in Round 2

- Masato (Jp.) against Artur Kyshenko (Ucra.): Champion Japanese the 2nd round by KO

- Kazuya Yasushiro (Japan) v Sujhwan Lee (Korea): Lee wins Arbitrate the end of 3round

- Masato (Jp.) v Andy Souwer (Ola.): Souwer wins for the 2nd round TKO

ANDY Souwer wins K-1 WORLD MAX 2007

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Free Sprint Ringtones 2010

the hypocrisy of the "fist" MARTIAL ARTS

usually quello che tu alleni, lo applichi poi nella vita. Vi immaginate - rimanendo nel nostro ambito, più o meno, e cioé quello dello sport - che un giocatore di pallacanestro o di calcio si alleni ripetutamente il primo, a tirare calci ad un pallone e viceversa l'altro?? A cosa porterebbe questo tipo di "allenamento"? Non certo al successo nella gara o nella vita (anche se in una partitella).

Così e nelle Arti Marziali. Premettendo che non voglio fare il Bruce Lee de noialtri , mi spiego.

Prendiamo la tecnica di pugno e di come si pratica in alcune Arti Marziali . We must point out that not all AA.MM. perform this technique in the same way that some of them have moved away from their origins, their traditions and others do not. At the same Karate (in its various styles) fist is "pulled" in different ways.

But take the example of just such a type of Karate and punch known as the Japanese gyaku zuki (d irectly would be contrary to the lead leg).

Here it is in photo on the left (taken from the site ).

Well if you have practiced or practiced this kind of Karate (Taekwondo but also and some styles of Kung Fu ) insegnaranno you to:

1) to lock the shoulder right, keeping parallel to the left

2) not to exaggerate to rotate the right hip (even if you can not turn in their ... )

E we would have to do during the forms or kata in Japanese.

Così l'allenerete. Ma sarà valido nella realtà??
Personalmente non ho mai visto un pugno eseguito così in un combattimento ( a meno che uno non voglia perire.. ).

Allora, perchè allenarlo? Perché perdere tutto questo tempo?? Per ipocrisia o perché talmente fedeli ad un qualcosa che non è reale , che non è v ivo solo per partito preso.

Certo, ognuno fa quello che vuole. Ci mancherebbe..Ma then I do not ROMPETECI BALLS saying you are the best, the strongest (or that all martial arts comes from your ..) WHY 'NOT' TRUE!

Get on a ring, fight in Mixed Martial Arts and then see what happens!

The worst thing for you, it would then be blamed by the great masters of AA.MM.

see in the picture after the spin gyaku zuki a great teacher of the past, Mas Oyama. Shoulder forward hip rotation and body weight on the hand. Not for nothing was the founder of Kyokushin Karate great athletes and some of the K-1 practice or have practiced. And you want more ..

Here's how to run the straight right the founder of Shotokan Karate (next photo, taken from http://www . / ) Master Gichin Funakoshi.

Now many argue that many have moved away from teaching traditional of this great Master.

See also use the left hand ... I recommend you read the book Enzo Montanari (which I already mentioned on this blog) "Karate unknown", Ed Mediterranee.
short, some friends Martial Arts , try to learn more about your origins. You should!

The Truth Behind Seaworld



This is the latest technology (the previous 1) 2) ) point out that (as an example) than is the ancient martial art known as the Thai Muay Thai . In fact, often what we see on ring does not accurately reflect the art. Just think, in many matches are prohibited clinch not to mention the techniques of elbow Thai.

E 'is also just a of sporting Muay Thai (although in the past European champions as old Ramon Dekker) who fought in the match where they were expected elbow.

However, this technique Look Mai Muay Thai named Sak Phuang Malai (I also useful in self-defense ) is seen as a direct attack on the left - I would add also hook sn - do we protect ourselves by blocking with the right forearm and advancing it hits an elbow to the sternum.

I, as a non-specialist of Muay Thai, and I repeat that this art combat is waiting to be discovered and that goes beyond what we think or see. everything in its traditional character.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Mucus And Pink Bleeding



Another technique (after the first has already been published 1) ) than Muay Thai unsportsmanlike or do not easily see the rings.

The Thai name is: Ruess Hern .

The picture, I think, speaks for itself. And that is the technique of football opponents, athlete Thai counterattacks (or almost simultaneously reacts to the butt of his opponent) jumping with both legs in the air (in fact in English is called the technique The ascetic's fly to the sky) and punches to the face (the temple) of his contender.


continues .....

Average Size American Women



Although not a specialist in Muay Thai known ease a big difference between those for and the use traditional sports. At the end of the day is a Thai 'martial art and what we see represented on the international ring (often to the exclusion of techniques elbow) is only a part of this ancient discipline combat.

I decided - then - some of post techniques (five) of Muay Thai (or Muay Boran?) that we could hardly see the square fighter. The techniques are listed with the reality Thai name.

Let's start from this (see photo), the first. Whose name is Kluern Grathob Fang.


- the opponent attacks with a straight right face, advancing defenders with his left leg to the right (while remaining in close contact of the opponent). At the same time, the attack by turning your torso to always destra ( e sfruttando la forza che ne scaturisce ) colpisce le costole dell'avversario con una gomitata.


Monday, October 1, 2007

Caramel Half Head Highlights


Carissime lettrici e lettori,
non mi sono dimenticato di voi. Sono stato solamente.... molto impegnato.

Domani posto e risponderò alle vostre email.
