Monday, March 30, 2009

What Are These Bumps Under My Stomach

pickup and delivery throughout Italy with SDA

Brief curriculum
graduated in 1999 at the IPSIA G. Giorgi di Avellino with honors 100/100
Qualified on 18/09/1999 with honors 100/100
In 2000 he received the Award "Gerardo Aquino" granted by the SNO-NAC
He moved to Parma where for several years and is experienced working in laboratories in northern Italy.
Year 2000 "Life Course PFM" Napoli
Year 2001 "Approach to CAD / CAM" Zirconia Zirconium Bologna
Year 2002 "International Dental Update" Brescia
Year 2003 "Strategic Mettallurgia precision line Bologna
Year 2004" passivation techniques in implantology "Ferrara
Year 2005" Total prosthesis prof. Passamonti "Parma
Year 2006" Techniques of overdenture "Milan
Year 2007" By working with Romeo Pascetta "Napoli
Year 2008" layering "Napoli
Year 2009" Implant prosthesis Rhein83 "Napoli
Since 2009 owner of a dental laboratory to Avellino.

Since 2010 member SICED

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How To Write A Letter Of Interest For Sorority

"Epitaph of the traitor"

"Now go, my friend of a past time,
your way with this certainty:
Any wrong you do to me and to all my fellow
State and will be returned three times, each time
different intensity and so
sin'anche having to invent new ones.

This is our farewell gift to your friends,
the epitaph on the tombstone of the grave that you dug our welcome

and miserable in the court of the infamous traitors, careerists, licks balls. "

Elisa Ferrotti

Why Are My Herpes Oozing

"Knife Thrower"

"From silence sometimes rise
items that do not want to hear.
turbulence in the broadcast signal,
Ghosts of troubles.

Fuochi fatui sul cammino
o segnali d'allarme.

Ma la ruota del circo non si ferma
e continua a girare,
scaglia perciò il tuo prossimo pugnale
senza indugiare.

Le luci del palco ti illuminano nell'oscurità di fiati sospesi
nel profumo di zucchero filato e cannella,
immortlato dall'effetto di foglie autunnali nel vento tutt'attorno.
Sorridi e lancia,
non indugiar più di quel tanto che basta
al fiato sospeso degli spalti
di far perder un colpo al cuore.

Ai posteri l'ardua sentenza!
Ma nessuno lascia segni tanto duraturi
nella folla
Nemmeno il sangue."

Elisa Ferrotto

Friday, March 13, 2009

Average Apartment Electric Bill In Austin 2010

-Bloody Crazy Nun-