Friday, April 16, 2010

Clear Mucus After Period

Ansia: cos'è e come affrontarla

All information the nature, symptoms and treatment of anxiety on the "Anxiety"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Time Warner Phone Hook Up

Mighty technical and artistic achievements and a funeral ...

Eh si, è molto che non rimpinguo le pagine del mio antro, chiedo venia, miei cari, ma tra casa (che sta venendo sempre meglio nell'attesa non troppo distante di divenire a tutti gli effetti tana per me e la mia oscura metà), fiere, eventi e passaggi infernali di cambi di lavoro , il tempo è stato davvero esiguo, per non dire misero!

Che dirvi come prima cosa...ah si!
Piangiamo la Morte di "My Frankenstein"...
....fedele e vecchio compagno.....

Lo rimembro ancor
quand'era in fior...
...nei primi anni in cui imparavo Photoshop Cs2

.....Il mio caro vecchio pc è schiattato, morto defunto e si è portato via con se molto Unfortunately, my database illustrator, luckily the bulk of them do not have the backup I have in the original paper!
spoken of my PC ... it was not clear ??!!?? O_o
; D

welcome therefore, brethren, with great joy a new brother! MAC!
(pay no attention to the tears of "portfolio" is not a sentimental P)

Or more precisely Mac G5 with 23-inch Cinema display!
that pet has made my little heart beat is sick and corrupt from the start and is now a new keeper and assistant monsters born from my imagination (or queslla of some authors)-a reference is purely wanted naturalemnte- )

Ah, yes ... but it did not take hours since the shot was now long for the old administrative attention despite the assembled surgical almost half of my dark, he kicked the bucket making me the almost two months of hell itself (of course) completed as an illustration for sine ...
Well, we made the leap, you guys and we did it in style by switching to Mac!
(finally add);)

The roar of the fan and power supply sostiutito fused with sweet ...
half of tera hard disck, 2 gigs of ram (and this to start ..)
A monitor that made me feel the songs to only think of the heavenly quality of detail that will give me ....( 23 "inches instead del vecchio 19"pollici).. presento il mio nuovo comagno di ventura