Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cayce On Herniated Discs


Il 6 agosto 1921 è una data che rimarrà nella storia delle Arti Marziali ma anche degli Combat Sports.

fact on that day - for the first time - the Kung Fu Masters officially fought against wrestlers experts Thai Muay Thai.

What are the names Chinese and Thai protagonists of this event?

Here are two. In the photo above (left) is in fact visible Master of Kung Fu Han Hongdun in front of the Thai "Highland Tiger" Nai Yanhg .

The names of other maestri cinesi erano Zin Zheng, Wu Daqian e Fu Xingpeng e i combattimenti si svolsero presso il "Rose Garden" di Bangkok .

Gli incontri finirono in questo modo, sia Zi Zheng che gli altri cinesi furono messi K.O. al primo round!

Naturalmente i maestri del Kung Fu non furono contenti del loro risultato e grande successo e fama ebbe il tailandese Nai Yahng.

Ci fu una sorta di rivincita l'anno successivo ed esattamente il 13 maggio 1922 e sempre presso il "Rose Garden" di Bangkok . Fu chiamato - l'evento - "The Clash of the Tigers" .

I protagonisti - questa volta - furono il maestro cinese di Kung Fu Lai Hu "Iron Tiger" e il noto Nai Yahng ( li vedete entrambi nella seconda foto). Il maestro cinese era più pesante dell'atleta tailandese .

Questa volta l'esponente del Kung Fu fu messo KO al secondo round.

Successivamente un altro maestro cinese - di nome Li De - fought Yahng Nai. Unfortunately, that there are no images match.

And this time things went differently . Li De managed to put more time in serious (perhaps even the carpet ) Thai. judges - clearly part - gave the win Yanhg Nal. But the more surprising was that Li De did not use the method of Kung Fu during the match but the Muay Thai!

There were other match - in 1929 and in 1930 - among the masters of Kung Fu and Muay Thai . The first time he won the exponent Chinese (named Jie Yun), the second time (the same Master of Kung Fu ) lost. He used during combat, not the but Kung Fu Muay Thai!

Obviously - since their first meeting - the Chinese understood that the technique Thai and ra to know and learn.

It is no coincidence that a great athlete the Thai Muay Thai - named Mahachon - Went to China (Canton ) to teach the Thai . Mahachon was the first Thai - expert in Muay Thai - to teach the art of fighting in this country. His club's called the "Guangzhou Muaythai" .

Apparently Mahachon appreciate some of the techniques of Sanda or Sanshou China, although personally I think the latter is a "product" of China ( mix of kickboxing and fight ) created in order to keep pace with the times and that is, with the new combat sport as Kickboxing and MMA.

nb: it is forbidden that the whole or parts of this post - like others - are played without mentioning the author and the name of the blog!


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