Sunday, February 24, 2008

Can I Refinance With Negative Equity

The group psychotherapy "Freely "


Anxiety: who has never experienced is not of this world!

E 'can better understand, master, calm down, use the anxiety?

The anxiety is not only a limit or a nuisance, but recognized and analyzed can become an instrument of self-knowledge, and be used as a resource.

E 'a physiological condition, which is useful in many stages of life. It protects us from the risks, serves to maintain alertness and improve performance. In fact we could not survive without a lot of anxiety and emotions would be more faded, less intense and evocative.

However anxiety can also become a condition highly disturbing and distressing. In fact one third of the world population has had or will have an anxiety disorder in their lifetime.

Anxiety is the common thread that unites many psychological problems, sometimes severe.

who can benefit the group "liberation"? E 'for people with anxiety symptoms that produces a significant condition of suffering. For example, phobic syndromes, stress related and somatoform syndromes, personality disorders, in a sufficient and stable psychic compensation, in which the anxiety symptoms is predominantly affective syndromes.

Exclusion criteria . Mental illness or acute decompensation, with significant comorbid psycho-organic syndrome of addiction to drugs.

Goals group sessions :

Know the psycho-physical mechanisms of anxiety and learn to master techniques using cognitive-behavioral and psycho-educational.

Group composition: 6-8

Admission: patient access to outpatient only on prescription from your doctor or outpatient referring psychiatrist. The patient will undergo a preliminary discussion of assessment (if administered rating scales for anxiety or other psychodiagnostic tools).

Duration of each group session : 2 hours and 30 minutes (60 minutes of psycho-body relaxation followed by 90 minutes of group psychotherapy).

When is it? The free group is held every Wednesday, from 13.30 to about 16.

Where is held? The group is held at the day hospital "Rainbow" in the Clinica Santa Croce

coordinates the group freely Dr. Daniela Maroni

coordinates the group relaxation : Mrs. Ross Azzalin (massaggiatrice diplomata)

Strumenti utilizzati

Utilizzo e insegnamento di tecniche ad orientamento cognitivo-comportamentale (“visualizzazione”; "esposizione" e "desensibilizzazione").

Utilizzo di metodi di rilassamento (es.: rilassamento muscolare progressivo; tecnica della respirazione lenta).

Tecniche psico-educative.

Possibilità di utilizzo di mezzi audiovisivi.

Un assaggio dei temi delle sedute di gruppo ...

L’ansia e i suoi meccanismi

L’ansia e la depressione: cenni

Le emozioni: conoscerle meglio e padroneggiarle

Tecniche di assertività

Utilizzo della tecnica della “moviola” (scuola cognitivista di Vittorio Guidano)

Tecniche di “esposizione progressiva”

Tecniche di problem-solving

Riconoscere e prevenire le ricadute

I farmaci per l’ansia: pro e contro

“Giochi” Role

progressive muscle relaxation techniques

slow breathing techniques

The personal diary and self-observation

Some references

New manual of cognitive psychotherapy (Bruno Bara) Bollati Boringhieri

Cognitive Psychotherapy of anxiety, thinking, control and avoidance (Sassaroli S., R. Lorenzini, GM Ruggiero) Routledge

Working with emotions in psychotherapy integration (Greenberg, Paivio) Sovera Publisher

The Treatment of Anxiety Disoders, patient and clinician's guide manual (and Gavin Andrews, Rocco Crino) Cambridge University Press

cognitive treatment of anxiety disorders (Adrian Wells) Mc Graw-Hill

Mindfullness (Zindel V. Segal, John Teasdale) Bollati Boringhieri

Dr. med. Daniela L. Maroni

FMH Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Director of the Hospital Day "Rainbow"

Clinical S. Cross ORSELINA (TI)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Drain Pasta Without A Strainer

Lesson 4 - Lesson 3

E 'cliche that the successful seller must be in possession of a flowing dialectic, perhaps, but would be well advised not to use it. The successful salesperson is the one that says little , let others speak, and go straight to the point. Would you be willing to buy you a person who is down on endless disquisitions on products offered? the life you lead allows you to devote much time to each individual purchase? or rather you need to quickly understand what a product, even more so what is it, and even more so if you need it for you?

Il venditore ha una naturale tendenza a pavoneggiarsi: è esperto di ciò di cui vi sta parlando e desidera inconsciamente dimostrarvi la sua bravura; inoltre è una persona espansiva, che ha voglia di comunicare. Ma chi ha di fronte è una persona che spesso ha a sua volta voglia di comunicare, e farebbe bene a lasciarle spazio, per soddisfarle un bisogno psicologico, e dunque metterla a proprio agio e favorire così l'instaurarsi di un buon rapporto. Inoltre, è bene lasciar parlare l'interlocutore per comprendere al meglio quali siano le sue esigenze, e quindi proporgli la soluzione più adatta ad esse. Bisogna focalizzarsi non sul proprio prodotto, ma sul cliente, e sui suoi bisogni.

Finally, a consideration of time management : not only our partner often has little time, given the frenzy (unfortunately) in today's life, but we have no time to lose, and the more contacts that we get, the more sales we can make. We must devote the time necessary to the customer, make him not to waste or allow waste to ourselves.

Next Article: Saturday, March 29 by .
you soon!