Friday, July 30, 2010

Dyslexia Country Stats

Black Pinocchio

Taxi adrift
like shells on the shore or even worse
branches and items forgotten or stolen, taken away by the current

from any bank of origin.

Meet storms,
super mare
senz'ancoraggio anyone.
Marionette wireless
thousand faces and costumes.

The show is no longer driven
not even as good storytellers
eaters and pinocchio is but a dim memory of a dim wick
gray and alcoholic. Count and Countess

without hope they honor the audience and stage designers

for pleasure of power and possession ..
they are also the authors rather than public. Today

wear another mask to keep your game e..
subvert where and how you see it you know.

will choose carefully

gestures and words for each occurrence and palate
as a hunter prepares the night before each resource. So do not be surprised
baluglina of light in the eye,
without fire or brazier

apparent home ..

is late to worry about ...
were comfortable,
enjoy your show!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fins On Car Front Bumber?

Negrita - The flock

"It is time for the innocent
Is not it time this guy's ambition
grind their teeth
And fear is

Violence Strategy funziona, la rabbia funziona
Il panico rende, il popolo spende
Beatificando crimini ed economia


...non serve aggiungere altro..
per quanto civilizzato, altolocato, l'essere umano resta sempre un animale.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Did Goku Really Love Chichi

The Black Book BLACK BOOK ON Sometime

Nelle traversie lavorative,
nelle liti
nelle istigazioni/obblighi ai ruoli ..a fare,poi in fin dei conti, raffinati o meno, i cani da guardia dei capi..
a raccoglier sfide, lanciarne, all'assecondare il gioco e vincerne..

..a volte mi viene da chiermi chi ha vinto.
who is winning ...
vincere.tu I want to want to win, they want to win ..
everyone wins and loses something
but who really wins and what?

then I recall, after due consideration of all sides, that life is not here,
but "in here" is part of life anyway.
migiori would perhaps remember people and places?

unfortunately is not the world to be rotten, it
cities or places
but who the people ...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How Do You Beat Cube Runner

Sveg one day and find yourself surrounded by a swarm of corporate as well as elitist and arrogant IDIOTS!

This is the first page of my black book, a small, "TAG" ploy to enclose some of the put ...** I see, hear, I omit, collect or stand (as publishable, of course ... to laugh about it, because the real one ... )

Well: "The Black Book"!
.. yes, the Black Book, such as that in the mothers or aunts, old ones, you know? Those filled with leeks and broth that smelled of mothballs and filled us with sweet anise and horrible pinching (I hate ' anise), from kids telling us we'd end up if we did the bad guys.
bad, then .. let's face was pure sincerity ... but the truth hurts and the world is (too often survives) of masks! Who

knows maybe one day, given the numerous sources that I can draw, will be the Equal treatment of my book! I do not know if there are publishers so crazy ... but do not digress ...

Prologue too verbose, you say?
no, no gentlemen please go astray, believe me ... (and the use of the word "believe" instead of "trust" is not by chance ... take notes, could trnarvi useful)

It will go to those festivals that:

"Trust me!" "Dime you can trust, are the only one I can trust"
- but you're stupid / ao do you take me for that? -

To those "will not tell you trusted!"
- you do raise it for a ride? Lexical trick? Ok I'm Buying the L and around the wheel! -

Or those that "do as you prefer your haunting, it's your life I care about is you to be happy"
-ah .. blackmail are included in letting others do what you, oops, they want to do, he says, explains?! - Or those

"did you do this? And that you did? You have not already done? You waiting for?! Do it!"
- can I be frank with you, right? that aspect? you peels off from the balls and let me do! -

Since I have a little tooth poisoned ... if I bite my tongue from here tonight and I do not feel they see for a while, it may be that the biting language (requirement in this subject too often lately) I deadly poison! in which case, ricodatevi me on cold winter nights by the fireplace or Christmas because .. I have not cared even a little. (since I taught in practice that the good are never mentioned, but the bastards!)
And, yes, to answer your question is quiet, wonderful week .. tracurando for "quietovivere (quieto! TZH!) nontrscurabile some detail.

But no introduction may be worthy without being ention co-workers! Like those colleagues who
Ready Elisa? Hello.
-X Hello, how are you? -
"fine thanks not bad, I wanted to tell you that ..."
That-oh dear ... even though I was better before I call, do not you realize that it's just like saying ... buonacreanza and cares not a blessed Poker How are you and dare you not to even bring the question!? Ok poor, do not know this courtly manners pearls before swine ... .. I'll keep in mind, why waste them!

the next page black ...