Black Pinocchio
Taxi adrift
like shells on the shore or even worse
branches and items forgotten or stolen, taken away by the current
from any bank of origin.
Meet storms,
super mare
senz'ancoraggio anyone.
Marionette wireless
thousand faces and costumes.
The show is no longer driven
not even as good storytellers
eaters and pinocchio is but a dim memory of a dim wick
gray and alcoholic. Count and Countess
without hope they honor the audience and stage designers
for pleasure of power and possession ..
they are also the authors rather than public. Today
wear another mask to keep your game e..
subvert where and how you see it you know.
will choose carefully
gestures and words for each occurrence and palate
as a hunter prepares the night before each resource. So do not be surprised
baluglina of light in the eye,
without fire or brazier
apparent home ..
is late to worry about ...
were comfortable,
enjoy your show!
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