Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cleaning Shower Door Magnetic Strip

We start by 'date:

Per parlare del jiu jitsu brasiliano non c'è alcun modo di evitare il cognome Gracie.
Questa famiglia di origini europee ma insediata in Brasile fu responsabile dell'evoluzione e divulgazione di questa arte.
Ma cosa ha a che fare il jiu jitsu, il cui nome rimanda inevitably to the country of the rising sun with the colorful Brazilian soil?
the beginning of last century, the Japanese console Mitsuyo Maeda, after demonstrating during the trip on the techniques of Kodokan Judo style (that is practiced by the first school of judo founder Jigoro Kano), which was a particular expert in the fight against soil, founded a dojo where the young Carlos Gracie, the son of Gastao, a wealthy businessman, became one of his best students.
Carlos began to teach the techniques learned from the master to his brothers, including a frail young and Helio Gracie.
This man, who well into adulthood kept his slim build, was the one who changed tenciche assumed the athletic qualities of this art that are not owned by him. So Helio
succeeded by studying a system of linkage to create a martial art tailored for him (and those like him did not have a great physical strength) by which
managed to get the better of opponents far more performance that him.
After the 'pulse of the Jiu Jitsu Helio, who took over as the distinctive character' s name "Brazilian", has never ceased its evolution to become a lifestyle and an educational methodology, giving a shock to the world of martial arts.

During our travels around the world, we have seen con i nostri occhi gli enormi benefici che questa disciplina porta nei ragazzi di tutte le età.
Le tecniche che costituiscono quest'arte marziale sono principalmente di atterramento e controllo del proprio avversario al suolo.
L'assenza di percussioni in arte marziale permette ai ragazzi di buttarsi a capofitto senza il pericolo di farsi del male.
Attraverso la pratica i bambini imparano a difendersi e nello stesso tempo sviluppando il proprio fisico accrescendone la consapevolezza motoria.
Oltre questo, è un attività che insegna i valori del rispetto, amicizia e sano agonismo, il tutto condito da un grande divertimento, thus helping to integrate children more timid and more exuberant children to calm down.


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