Monday, October 11, 2010

Cake Boss Recipes Icing

News after the first week

movement Junior Jiu Jitsu is growing quickly!
just one week before the activities we have "inherited" the work of Professor Mark Giangiuliani, who has been working in the shadows in this field.
Today, therefore, add a new headquarters in Via Laurentina 470, a short walk from 'homonymous metro.
The course starts with a base of about 15 children, the youngest of whom are beginning to tread the tatami to 4 years of age!

Other news is that we are working on a personal logo for the movement and make it as close as possible to what the children think we thought we'd ask them to draw it.
When we receive the work of young wrestlers will put to the vote and the winner will be redrawn by an experienced hand to become the symbol of the movement!

Infine il suddetto Marco Giagiuliani, persona di grande esperienza nella pedagogia sportiva e nella preparazione atletica professionistica, sarà sempre alle nostre spalle fornendo il massimo supporto dando così un valore aggiunto ai nostri corsi.

Rimanente connessi per nuovi sviluppi!


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