Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What Happened To Deborah Sampson

survey results

Ecco i risultati dei sondaggi pubblicati su questo blog.

Alla domanda "Qual'é il tuo atleta in attività del K-1 preferito?" (among those I proposed in the survey) readers and readers responded:

1) Peter Aerts with 45.5% of the votes
2nd) Jerome Le Banner with 27.3%
3rd) Other (then other athletes) with 18.2%
4th) Remy Bonjasky with 9.1%
5 °) and Glaube Feitosa Semmy Schilt with the 0.0% (!!!)

My Comment:
right - in my opinion - the victory dell'olandese Peter . Un vero campione - da moltissimo tempo - della Kickboxing. "La classe non è acqua"..
Altro. Evidentemente la preferenza di molti si sarebbe rivolta verso altri atleti .
Le Banner. E' un idolo di tanti.
Bonjasky, nei .... limiti

Rispetto al secondo sondaggio proposto e alla visibilità e alla quantità di v isite dei lettori sulla kickboxing - secondo me - non è stata alta la percentuale of voters.

Feitosa and Schilt, zero votes! It 's a bit strange.

Many - though - were those who participated in this one poll.

Asked: "Dead Man Yip, who you think is the best exponent of Wing Chun?" , so readers and readers responded:

1) Bruce Lee with 43.8% of the votes
2nd) with Leung Ting 18.8%
3rd) Emin Boztepe and Wong Shun Leung tied with 12.5% \u200b\u200b
4th) William Cheung and KR Kernspecht tied with 6.3%

my comment :
wins Bruce Lee! Well, he is the myth .
Another note, fans of Wing Chun and Bruce Lee are naturally more ... participatory . Congratulations to them!

Bell'esperienza - this survey - to be repeated. A new soon .

These surveys were on line on this blog for three months.

Thanks to those who participated!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Does Vageta And Bulma Love Each Other

KICKBOXING: Physical Evaluation of the athlete - the end

continuation of previous post 1)

The conveyor belt is equipment ergometer more rational, since it involves natural movements like running and running.

Excellent è il suo uso anche per la valutazione attitudinale dell'atleta di Kickboxing .

A tale scopo il nastro trasportatore ( o tapis roulant ) va usato sensa pendenze ed alte velocità. Naturalmente la corsa veloce sul nastro prevede una buona condizione atletica del kickboxer.

Secondo le f ormule teoriche più usate per il calcolo del lavoro al nastro trasportatore, un lavoro condotto sul nastro da un soggetto è valutato nel seguente modo:

kgm/min= kg peso x m/ora x inclinazione %


60 min

According to this formula, an athlete who runs 4 km / h and at 25% gradient does a work equivalent to that of a person who goes at a speed of 20 km / h at 5% slope. A similar equivalence does not exist in the assessment of the athlete, the latter with the first load (high slope and low speed), it stops early, with symptoms of fatigue , without expressing decent oxygen consumption in the second If, however, performance protatta would be much longer, would provide a good value for oxygen consumption and only belatedly you have muscle fatigue.

is why the test ergonometric the conveyor belt are often made without any slope.

E 'to keep in mind that with a speed exceeding 20 km / h is simulated race track, with a 12-km / h is simulated instead gear.

In our case, as part of an evaluation of an athlete Kickboxing, we should certainly assess the ability goodness or natural resistance to specific like that of an athlete dedicated to athletics. We can however, always under the guidance and advice of a doctor or sports medicine , evaluate
athletic training kickboxer.Ovvero of his endurance but also anaerobic.

Kickboxing distinction should be made also in the effort test according to the discipline practiced. If you are the athletes of full contact kickboxing your athletic effort is certainly different if instead practiced kickboxing or semi-contact point fighting .

It 'great to see how Prof. Dal Monte 2) recommend using the conveyor belt for athletes boxing (a discipline such as physical exercise can come close to that of full contact ).

Professor. Therefore, in for boxers to make three times travel on tape three minutes (depending on the specific situation and then the boxer, in this case an amateur. In fact, if I'm not mistaken they are still These are the times and the time of the match) interspersed a minute of rest.

goes without saying that under the guidance of a physician-athlete the coach a kickboxer with other tests can assess the reality of his athletic student.

Let this post that the previous two show some aptitude assessment test for the athlete to kickboxing in order to demonstrate, if ever it were needed!, The sports medicine and Kickboxing can and must go together.

would be desirable to delay the instructors of any sport (and thus also of Martial Arts and Combat Sports such as Kickboxing) have a training if university least basic motor on the A ctivities in general.

Training by ascertain through appropriate examinations.

repeat that only your doctor can evaluate the test that the athlete has to perform. Do not perform any sporting aptitude test without the guidance and presence of medical .

source: "Physiology and Sports Medicine," Sansoni Studio. Written by Professor Antonio Dal Monte,

1) click on the link to read:

2) always taken from the book above.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wording For Congratulations On Engagement Card


Drill or better teaching Kickboxing neglecting the very least the basics of sports medicine means live in an era Jurassica!
It 's impossible in fact - today - to neglect the medical culture and sports to cultivate any physical activity, including and perhaps especially if it is called Kickboxing.
If you have not attended the appropriate degree, nothing prevents you - but - all of us to inform us , read books by authors who can fill this important our absence and may be useful to improve our performance and sports culture.
Other premise Dover to this post is to point out that the topic deserves a adequate space in this short space is impossible to have .
Brief Introduction
part of sport and Kickboxing are several factors combine to determine h c the efficiency of athletes and these can be classified according to different principles .
Using special test are measured the isometric muscle s tapeworm, the ability to do work with anaerobic contraction of an oxygen debt alactacid, the cardiorespiratory endurance.
To evaluate the resistance is usually measured the resistance to prolonged muscular work through stress testing.
For the athlete kickboxing may be used for test common to all sport. I propose that there two very important.
The Harvard step-test (see photo) which is done by getting on and off the subject a step , at a specified frequency, for a period of 3 or 5 minutes .
The parameters considered are: maximum heart rate, blood pressure immediately after the end of the effort and - most importantly - the rapidity of recovery.
There are many techniques and calculation of step-test.
Tra le tante proposte una delle più usate si basa sul conteggio dei battici cardiaci tra il 60° e il 90° secondo dalla fine dello sforzo.
Il valore così ricavato permette di esprimere sulla base di apposite tabelle, un giudizio sull'efficenza cardio-circolatoria dell'atleta esaminato.
- nel prossimo post, il secondo test.
- fonte: "Fisiologia e Medicina dello Sport" , Sansoni Studio of Antonio Dal Monte .

Monday, August 20, 2007

Create A Championship Belt Online


If you ask " What is the date of your birthday? " you give me a response.

appointments, a question answer with a response.

If instead you were to ask: "How do you defend himself in front of a right hook?" I could respond with an "I do not know ..." or "depend on the time" I answered by quoting or technical action. Yes, but which one?

That 's Aikido of Boxing, Kickboxing of of Fight of Judo or what else?.

In this case - then - to a question he answers with many answers.

there is an alternative - but - And that is that you (during your journey martial or sport-fighter) have reached enlightenment!

Enlightenment, or the attainment of truth . And Enlightenment is the goal of Zen .

But beware, the Zen to which I refer is not a religion . Not the Indian Buddhism - from which it was derived from - but it's a f HILOSOPHY , experience.

Zen is the translation or pronunciation of Chan, Chinese word. And the Zen to which I refer is not even the Zen Buddhism !

The is related to Zen meditation, traditional meditation sitting cross-legged. Well Enlightenment even more authentic Zen Buddhism can be achieved not only during or through meditation .

Yet the Zen of which I speak there is no obligation of meditation!.

This can be done as a method to calm and control our breath as well as practice Chuck Norris, but probably is not even important.

For me Zen - in our sport - is open your eyes! Back when we were the first state to practice martial arts or combat sport or self defense systems (and the latter as there are ! ).

For me, the so-called thug - socially and morally to blame - is Zen!. He does not arise many questions, just beats. But beating.

Just to stay where we are - or on the Internet - if you go on You Tube using keywords Kung Fu, Aikido , Steven Segal, Thai Boxing, Gracie, and the like can see the videos that show various techniques of defense and probably on the same attack. many answers then.

But in all this chaos of "supply martial we risk losing our natural .

The Jeet Kune Do Bruce Lee of is Zen? The Zen of which I speak? I think so.

In the picture you see him in his school with some well-known students. And you can see on the wall drawings that symbolize the various stages that the practitioner of Jeet Kune Do through during his training. The last of these drawings, symbols is black (or blank ..). It is probably the initial state from which we started.

paraphrase a quote Zen , Bruce said of himself that "Before practicing martial arts, a punch was just a punch and a kick just a kick. During training, a handful became more of a punch and a kick more than a football. Following a handful returned to being just a punch and a kick just a kick. "

And JKD today - the one taught and offered by different teachers, even very good - is Zen? This not I know.

Finally, I lit ? Please, no joking . But I think I understand the meaning of Zen in Jeet Kune Do.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Blood Test Lupus Anticoagulant


be happy to answer Costel who asked me a couple of questions.
In order:

1) Full Contact Kickboxing The does not provide the kick in the legs (the so-called low kick )

2) The Kickboxing is a combat sport, so there is a martial art or a specific method for self-defense (if you want to read about my post on the subject defense ). Keep in mind though that many martial arts that are practiced today, in fact, have lost their true nature combat systems for the defense and offense both barehanded and with weapons (see, for example, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Judo ..).
Also not to be confused with the Kickboxing Muay Thai that if you performed well also teaches the use of techniques for knee and elbow are very useful in cases of self-defense. But the Thai will teach you not - however - specific techniques of street fighting (knife defense against multiple opponents, etc.).

3) PERO'...... ... the Full Contact Kickboxing is a great start! , because it teaches you the techniques of boxing (as a good defense) than those of the leg, also gives you an excellent athletic and prepares you for the real fight ( we always hope for many reasons not to face ever! ). It teaches you - in fact - to give and receive blows (who are punched or kicked) without your stay shocked .... ........ And 'in fact a combat sport in contact . So - in my opinion, especially if you are a beginner - the Kickboxing is a great choice!

4) Acquired experience because you think like the same high kicks that you can give them to the gym transform low kicks in for self-defense.

Spero di averti risposto efficaciamente.

n.b.: nella foto puoi vedere un grande del full contact, Bill Wallace.

Ciao, Romano

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Best Temperature To Burn Wood Stove


Tanti anni sono passati quando vidi questo film-documentario sul Kyokushin Karate al cinema.

Un film molto bello fatto da quelli del Kyokushin dove si vedono i loro allenamenti, le loro tecniche di rottura ( nel video ne vedrete di incredibili!! ) And their inter-style combat .

Founded by Master Mas Oyama Kyokushin Karate the has been so successful.

clicking on the link (1) will see the introduction to the film (with beautiful scenes). Video to watch.

NB: does anyone know if you find the complete film around?
