Saturday, August 11, 2007

Blood Test Lupus Anticoagulant


be happy to answer Costel who asked me a couple of questions.
In order:

1) Full Contact Kickboxing The does not provide the kick in the legs (the so-called low kick )

2) The Kickboxing is a combat sport, so there is a martial art or a specific method for self-defense (if you want to read about my post on the subject defense ). Keep in mind though that many martial arts that are practiced today, in fact, have lost their true nature combat systems for the defense and offense both barehanded and with weapons (see, for example, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Judo ..).
Also not to be confused with the Kickboxing Muay Thai that if you performed well also teaches the use of techniques for knee and elbow are very useful in cases of self-defense. But the Thai will teach you not - however - specific techniques of street fighting (knife defense against multiple opponents, etc.).

3) PERO'...... ... the Full Contact Kickboxing is a great start! , because it teaches you the techniques of boxing (as a good defense) than those of the leg, also gives you an excellent athletic and prepares you for the real fight ( we always hope for many reasons not to face ever! ). It teaches you - in fact - to give and receive blows (who are punched or kicked) without your stay shocked .... ........ And 'in fact a combat sport in contact . So - in my opinion, especially if you are a beginner - the Kickboxing is a great choice!

4) Acquired experience because you think like the same high kicks that you can give them to the gym transform low kicks in for self-defense.

Spero di averti risposto efficaciamente.

n.b.: nella foto puoi vedere un grande del full contact, Bill Wallace.

Ciao, Romano


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