Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wording For Congratulations On Engagement Card


Drill or better teaching Kickboxing neglecting the very least the basics of sports medicine means live in an era Jurassica!
It 's impossible in fact - today - to neglect the medical culture and sports to cultivate any physical activity, including and perhaps especially if it is called Kickboxing.
If you have not attended the appropriate degree, nothing prevents you - but - all of us to inform us , read books by authors who can fill this important our absence and may be useful to improve our performance and sports culture.
Other premise Dover to this post is to point out that the topic deserves a adequate space in this short space is impossible to have .
Brief Introduction
part of sport and Kickboxing are several factors combine to determine h c the efficiency of athletes and these can be classified according to different principles .
Using special test are measured the isometric muscle s tapeworm, the ability to do work with anaerobic contraction of an oxygen debt alactacid, the cardiorespiratory endurance.
To evaluate the resistance is usually measured the resistance to prolonged muscular work through stress testing.
For the athlete kickboxing may be used for test common to all sport. I propose that there two very important.
The Harvard step-test (see photo) which is done by getting on and off the subject a step , at a specified frequency, for a period of 3 or 5 minutes .
The parameters considered are: maximum heart rate, blood pressure immediately after the end of the effort and - most importantly - the rapidity of recovery.
There are many techniques and calculation of step-test.
Tra le tante proposte una delle più usate si basa sul conteggio dei battici cardiaci tra il 60° e il 90° secondo dalla fine dello sforzo.
Il valore così ricavato permette di esprimere sulla base di apposite tabelle, un giudizio sull'efficenza cardio-circolatoria dell'atleta esaminato.
- nel prossimo post, il secondo test.
- fonte: "Fisiologia e Medicina dello Sport" , Sansoni Studio of Antonio Dal Monte .


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