Monday, January 26, 2009

Creatine Enlarging Heart

Berlusconi on recent cases of rape, "I do not think we'll ever" ... do not you for sure!

intelligence and diplomacy .... which for some strange virtue ..
neglecting also the aspect that should have legal protection laws to the citizens and the respect of at least those who can 'make laws to protect where they are needed ..

I do not like it too much policy-making polemica e tanto meno nel mio blog destinato a ben altro e francamente l'uso prolungato di Plasil non fa bene mi dicono i foglietti illustrativi, ma questa è davvero troppo..non se ne può più!

Non mi sto soffermando e non è questo il punto di questo post (che più che altro è uno sfogo di rabbia ed un vero urlo virtuale) , su chi ha detto e chi ha controbattuto alle affermazioni, ma la questione di per se e la considerazione di oggi di questo argomento ma sopratutto quel che vi ruota attorno.

Leggo dai giornali e non ci voglio credere...lo sento alla radio..e poi alla TV..e ci credo...accidenti..

"Il premier Berlusconi interviene sulla vicenda degli stupri nella Capitale e a Guidonia and does it with statements that have provoked controversy alive "

I-(I wonder why! not!)

" .. from the opposition. "Even in a country with the most militarized police and possible, such a thing can happen - said the prime minister -. It's not that you can put in a force field that we should have as many soldiers as there are beautiful girls, I do not think we'll ever '"

... I usually get angry and do not miss the little time for my lunch break to write about it but really it can not be more!
will not blessed with a bat this post I know really well but at least the king bullshit Shut up !!!!!!
"I do not think we'll ever "!!???!!
are shocked and disgusted. I also do not think you
we'll never stop making these invalidates and to punish those amenities as it should be called only men because unfortunately belong to our own species (defined animals offends the animals that are much more civil to each other) you can copiere such an act!

With people that "we should have as many soldiers as there are pretty girls" ah now dinuovo our fault because we're nice?! Eh?! If your beautiful
rape fgliola or your wife or yourself (and note does not wish it on anyone) that would Berlusca!? or like the journalists of the cabbage "how would you feel?"

But you think that your statements in vain to strike those who have had similar horrible experiences!? or those who are afraid that such a thing could happen? or those who risk every day to defend the citizens and then if you are leaving the police station or barracks that make fart and go free dinuovo around?!

But then the prime minister is correct when they note that it is possible to make a joke about a subject so serious and replied that "rape is a crime unworthy, uncivilized and reprehensible. Period. It is a fixed point - added the premier - mine was a compliment to the Italian girls who are a few million "

to you? and where it was sorry that i missed?
It was not by accident that if I have to attribute to the fact that rape is a pretty girl?!
And do you think girls should do in Rome and that of Guidonia? Be proud!?
And their respective children also because girls have pussies so that the first passing and not resist the violent just to get it?! SCEM
Vittoria Franco, Minister of Equal Opportunity in the government according to which "in substance, according to Berlusconi's words, if women leave the house alone should put in mind of being raped or assaulted because you can not guard il territorio?».

Non ha come riparare a sta stronzata Berlusconi.E no me ne frega un cavolo se è di destra ed io no, non è questo il punto quindi piantatela ora di strumentalizzare la cosa!Vergognatevi perchè ci sono donne che stanno cercndo di riguadagnare la fiducia in se stesse pe rrimetter piede fuori di casa e voi gliela state togliendo ancora più dei loro aggressori perchè gli state dicendo che "capita insomma caèita, è sempre capitato e sempre capiterà, sei stata sfortunata, pace. ti passerà non farla troppo lunga ce ne sono molte come te."
Non lorderò ulteriormente questo post ne il mio blog con il vomito di parolacce e rabbia che vi vomiterei in faccia.

Surely each of you know what this word means placed in the dictionary as:
study che secondo invece la definizione del codice penale italiano
La violenza sessuale o stupro è: la costrizione mediante violenza o minaccia a compiere o subire atti sessuali. In proposito si parla comunemente anche di violenza carnale . Lo stupro è considerato un grave crimine nella gran parte degli ordinamenti MA presenta specifiche difficoltà per quanto riguarda la sua repressione penale. "609 bis Violenza sessuale
Chiunque con violenza o minaccia o mediante abuso di autorità, costringe taluno a compiere or subjected to sexual acts shall be punished with imprisonment from five to ten years.

The same punishment who induces someone to commit or suffer sexual acts :
1) abusing the conditions of physical or mental harm to victim at the time of the event; 2) misleading the victim for having the guilty replaced by another person.

In minor cases the punishment shall be reduced to an extent not exceeding
609 b Aggravating
The punishment shall be imprisonment from six to twelve years if the facts in
the article 609 bis to have committed:
1) against the person who has not completed fourteen years;
2) with the ` use of weapons or alcohol or narcotic drugs or
other instruments or substances
seriously damaging the health of the victim;
3) by a person that mimics or misrepresented the quality of public official or
in charge of public service;
4) to whoever is subject to restrictions on personal freedom;
5) against the person who has not completed sixteen years of
who the culprit is the `bottom-up, the

also adoptive parent, guardian.
The punishment shall be imprisonment from seven to fourteen years if the offense is
committed against someone who has
birthday ten.

The group sexual violence is the participation by
more people gathered, to acts of sexual violence
referred to the article 609 bis.
Anyone who commits acts of sexual violence of the group is punished with
imprisonment from six to twelve years.
The penalty is increased if it helps out any of the aggravating circumstances
foreseen by the Article 609 ter.
The penalty shall be reduced to the participant whose work has had minimal
importance in the preparation or execution of the crime.
The penalty shall also be reduced for those who have been determined to commit the crime when
contribute to the conditions laid down by the numbers 3) and 4) the first paragraph and
the third paragraph of the article 112. "
I frankly do not see these applied pain you know?!
to punish the culprits are always good lawyers eh?! Or is it something else?

Christian Byzantium, according to the Institutes of Justinian
, rape was considered a "public violence" and not a "private violence"
and not the person but was punished with death.
Now I tell you to kill all the rapists but I do not fucking fair for something that will never go away from the heart and psyche of a woman, few months or years of house arrest or jail .. then I will eh?

Middle Ages, Andrea Chaplain, in his treatise of courtly love, do not hesitate to call on the knight, when he is in proper place and situation, to abuse, even by force of the lady from the heart.

Beeello! Really romantic ... and what we say of the historical traditions in India
, Mallanaga
Vatsyayana Kama Sutra
cover between the methods of conquest of a woman (albeit one of the worst and relegated to the bottom of the list) that of doped or kidnap her and then rape her. [24] But Vatsyayana warns that:


[...]una fanciulla goduta a forza da uno che non conosce il cuore delle giovani, diviene nervosa, irrequieta, malinconica, e d'un subito prende a odiare l'uomo che ha abusato di lei: e allora, visto che il suo amore non e' compreso ne' ricambiato, eccola sprofondare nella mestizia o divenire misantropa, o poiché detesta il proprio uomo, cercarne altri »

E beh certo scusate tanto! Nella Bibbia tanto per migliorar la storia ( Deuteronomio , 22,23-29) [19] si legge:

" (23) If a virgin and 'girlfriend, and a man found in the city', you will 'lain with her, (24) are carried out both outside the city gate 'and to be stoned until they die: the girl because, despite its location in the city', did not shout, and the man because he violated the woman of his neighbor. Remove the evil from among you. (25) But if a man finds a young girlfriend in the fields, and making violence, lies with her, only to die and the man who 'slept with that; (26) but do nothing to the young, it did not commit cause of death, and 'as the case of an attacking his neighbor and kills him. (27) In fact, he has found that young girlfriend in the fields, she can 'he shouted, but nobody' s come to his aid. (28) If one is a virgin, no girlfriend, grabbed her and lies with her, and will be discovered (29) will be the man who 'slept with the girl must pay her father fifty shekels d' silver, and she is his wife, because he has dishonored, nor will be able to 'never refers to his whole life away "

Verse (29) and 'one of the earliest evidence of costume "Shotgun wedding " It was conceived as a form of compensation and protection for the woman who, having lost the 'honor

would no longer be' could be taken in marriage by any other man, however, as you can 'see, the law also protects women from any of a repudiation later. 1981, Article 544 of the Criminal Code admitted the "shotgun wedding"; According to this article del codice, l'accusato di delitti di violenza carnale, anche su minorenne, avrebbe avuto estinto il reato nel caso di matrimonio con la persona offesa (Cf. sezione XX secolo). Sempre di bene in meglio!

The shotgun wedding costume survived in Western culture until very recently: in Italy until

Poi nel costume italiano non trascuriamo quanto fu importante la canonizzazione di Santa Maria Goretti . Nata nelle Marche nel 1890, Maria fu pugnalata a morte a soli 12 anni da Alessandro Serenelli, un giovane del suo paese, per aver resistito a un tentativo di stupro. Dopo aver ricevuto l'estrema unzione in ospedale, perdonò il suo assalitore prima di morire. Fu canonizzata come martire della violenza. L'esempio di Maria Goretti fu proposto dalla Chiesa to young people as paradigmatic of a traditional view of women, ready to sacrifice their lives to not lose the purity (ie close to the model Lucrezia), but also able to forgive, in accordance with Catholic moral period. my comment is lost I'm fucking well and let me burn in hell better hate the cold! But
Italy andndo forward in time came into force on Rocco Code, for which the crimes of rape and incest, respectively, were part of "Crimes against public morality and good costume "(divided into" crimes against sexual freedom "and" indecent assault and sexual honor ") and" Crimes against family morality. " In practice, it was a crime against personal dignity and public morality, but not against the person. Even this is really valuable ... but good ...
addition, the '
Article 544
admitted the "shotgun wedding" According to this article of the Code, accused of crimes of rape, even on a minor, the offense would have expired in the case of marriage with the victim.

always better ..! In many parts of the world, by
seventies there were many rape trials, and that crime has become a crime against the person, (deo grace! even women with balls grace!) rather than against personal dignity or public morality. This change was promoted and achieved primarily through the action of

feminist movement, particularly active at that time. does not seem unfounded to note that in the speeches of many causes of defense lawyers often resound 's archetype of
Little Red Riding Hood, a character in a fairy tale that violates a ban on giving confidence to a wolf, despite the warnings of her mother, and suffered the just punishment of being devoured by wolves. The sentence of 1 year and 8 months imprisonment and released from custody were still fairly good progress at the time ...
Progress ... where ono hour in the era of the future? Where I wonder?
In a handful of "men and women" in power who tell us that they do not believe it is possible to solve these crimes will seek ways to better prevent and punish ?!... after all the struggles ... after all the victims of history after all movements to defend women's rights and to be protected ... You tell us:
"If you ask me something like there were the faults of the Minister of Interior, I have to defend the Home Secretary. "Ceto good defend your interests and your government not the people! Look, it was understood there was no need that reminder!! "Why do not you think that a state can get to avoid certain events, which could be avoided only by placing a representative of the security forces close to every beautiful Italian woman." "It was a compliment to the beautiful Italian women - has reiterated the prime minister - because the police are a hundred thousand, several million beautiful women." You and I know, as the daughter of a Police Officer, as the balls rotate at all when one hundred thousand police arrested a rapist who know that he would manage with so little, and nothing compared to the victim and if it comes out trbunale (if seen) with his fucking smile! ! But on what planet you live!?!

What represent me?! In Italy, where only 7.4% of women who claimed they had experienced an attempted or violence during their lifetime claims to have reported the complaint and the reasons for its failure are mainly linked to the fear of be considered evil, the fear of not being believed, the sense of shame or guilt ... you tell us PREMIER: 'in My spirit must never, for one moment, lose the sense of lightness and humor. "

.. no doubt ...
laugh ... sure it will pass ..!
do not know why but I do not laugh.

Go for Cabaret in some two-bit dump cleaned up and risen from the political scene fool!

"I do not think we'll ever '... do not you for sure!


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