Thursday, November 25, 2010

Brain Tumors In The 1940's

The mysterious face of the Fayum

mio ritratto ad encausto copia del fayum

Ora esamineremo le principali tecniche pittoriche del mondo antico e la più recente: l'olio.
Determinante per la resa ottica di ogni tecnica è il legante, la natura dei pigmenti, e la preparazione del supporto. Le tecniche antiche rispetto all'olio hanno (se ben preparate)  una maggiore durabilità, e sfidano il tempo distruttore. L'olio è sicuramente una tecnica notevole, forse quella che più si avvicina alla realtà per la morbidezza e la gradualità delle sfumature, tuttavia il difetto of drying oils is yellow with time and chapping; works on canvas and are easily attacked by bacteria, molds and fungi besides subject to mechanical trauma, and easily falsifiable.

Come with me. We go together in the encaustic paintings mysterious ancient Egypt, follow me and read on.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Palmolive Dish Soap Ultra Msds

classical painting techniques

  • In our lab, you will discover e conoscere le tecniche pittoriche del mondo classico:
  • preparare una tavola con gesso e colla animale ( coniglio-pesce ecc )
  • riporto del disegno con lucido spolvero o cartone.
  • metodologia della stesura dei colori nei toni opposti caldi-freddi o viceversa
  • le velature e le modulazioni cromatiche nella tempera all' uovo e nelle altre tecniche pittoriche.
  • dorare un fondo o un nimbo di un'icona.
  • discover the technique of the Flemish.
  • the fresco and its variants (fresco with lime, half-fresco, tempera on lime).
  • seminars on the portrait
  • the ancient colors
  • plant and animal colors, composition and properties
  • binders in old paintings (egg glue, gum, lime, oil, drying oils, etc.),
  • notes on the ancient design and many other topics. If you simply want a approach or an in-depth with the ancient painting techniques come and visit us in our lab in Rome office

Trastevere in Rome via corsini 8 (botanical garden) n 06/6872610 or

My portraits in encaustic (painting with fire beeswax)

Portrait of woman in the Fayum. Copy encaustic with gold leaf.

The satyr of the sea. Encaustic on wood ant without preparation.

Here are some examples of my paintings encaustic (painting with heat thermoplastic) with the ancient painting technique based beeswax (the same as the Fayum portraits).

But why paint with wax? What are its features?

The wax does not oxidize and does not age
is thermoplastic suits temperatures and does not crack
is not attacked by bacteria, has no need of preparing the support,
painting is fat such as olive oil, (which has some similarities that we will see later) but, of course with a different refractive index (and hence different optical yield).
The encaustic makes that possible effects in three-dimensional relief,
(the image seems to support the fuoriscire)
does not change colors over time.
Normally resistant to everything (even the restorers )

Of all the immense artistic production run with this mode are saved only examples funeral and some icons of Mount Sinai

because the sinking of the great Greek painting is in fact occurred, mainly by a huge fire.

The Fayum portraits are about 20 centuries and have survived a noi in condizioni ottimali, unici esempi superstiti della pittura da cavalletto del mondo greco-romano, per cui hanno un valore storico immenso e spesso anche artistico.

Altri miei dipinti ad encausto :

                  Ritratto virile del Fayum. Copia ad encausto su tavola di abete.

Fayum Portrait of woman with the eye patch. Copy encaustic on glass.

Portrait of a Man with beard of the Fayum. Copy encaustic on panel with gold leaf.

; ;

My belief is that the ancient Greeks used to paint with encaustic to get that visual power of the realistic painters of the '500 found in the oil (both techniques have common physical characteristics). The Greeks were looking for but also the effect of relief in three dimensions, which allows the wax painting. Substance that they would also be a symbol of immortality. The wax portraits were placed on Egyptian mummies from Roman times to the formula: "You will live forever, you'll always be young." These mysterious faces of ancient Egypt believed in the resurrection promised by the cult of Osiris (god of the dead). Following this idea is also incorporated into Christianity.

Doubt or the departure of Helen. Encaustic on wood of fir without preparation.

;     Ritratto virile del Fayum. Copia ad encausto su tavola.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Belt Buckles For Craft


Presso lo studio (Via Gaspare Spontini, 11 - Zona Pinciano/Parioli) è attivo un servizio di consulenza che si rivolge alla coppia: coordinatamente con varie figure professionali (psicologa, legale, educatrice), alla coppia è offerta una consulenza multidisciplinare volta a concordare e pianificare un programma di gestione della crisi ed eventualmente della separazione e del divorzio.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Cake Boss Recipes Icing

News after the first week

movement Junior Jiu Jitsu is growing quickly!
just one week before the activities we have "inherited" the work of Professor Mark Giangiuliani, who has been working in the shadows in this field.
Today, therefore, add a new headquarters in Via Laurentina 470, a short walk from 'homonymous metro.
The course starts with a base of about 15 children, the youngest of whom are beginning to tread the tatami to 4 years of age!

Other news is that we are working on a personal logo for the movement and make it as close as possible to what the children think we thought we'd ask them to draw it.
When we receive the work of young wrestlers will put to the vote and the winner will be redrawn by an experienced hand to become the symbol of the movement!

Infine il suddetto Marco Giagiuliani, persona di grande esperienza nella pedagogia sportiva e nella preparazione atletica professionistica, sarà sempre alle nostre spalle fornendo il massimo supporto dando così un valore aggiunto ai nostri corsi.

Rimanente connessi per nuovi sviluppi!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How Does Gatorade Taste

NEWS: Percorso di rilassamento e armonizzazione posturale globale

È un percorso integrato globale di tipo psico-corporeo che
agisce contemporaneamente sulle componenti psicosomatiche
e corporee, attraverso tecniche di armonizzazione posturale
e tecniche di rilassamento. Si basa sul presupposto
che la componente di tensione
psychic has an important role in the genesis, maintenance or worsening of a physical disorder
algic or muscle-type headache.
- relieve muscle tension and pain in acute and chronic spinal
(muscle tensive headache, neck pain, back pain, low back pain)
- operate
posture - to promote a state of psychological well-being to facilitate the mobility and aid in
dissolution of muscle tension
- facilitate contact with the body
- can alter pain processing and to facilitate a more peaceful relationship

with it - through relaxation techniques can appease
neurodegenerative changes caused by pain (
rapid breathing, fast heartbeat, increased muscle tone
) and reduce the emotional components connected to it
(anxiety, anger, fear of pain)
- through techniques reduces the postural
muscle contractures and joint blocks are removed due to pain and poor posture

individual or group sessions
N. MEETINGS: 8 / 10
LOCATION: Rome Eur - Vallerano area

DR MARIA STELLA Berra - physiotherapist DR
Sunday Berra - psychologist, psychotherapist

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cleaning Shower Door Magnetic Strip

We start by 'date:

Per parlare del jiu jitsu brasiliano non c'è alcun modo di evitare il cognome Gracie.
Questa famiglia di origini europee ma insediata in Brasile fu responsabile dell'evoluzione e divulgazione di questa arte.
Ma cosa ha a che fare il jiu jitsu, il cui nome rimanda inevitably to the country of the rising sun with the colorful Brazilian soil?
the beginning of last century, the Japanese console Mitsuyo Maeda, after demonstrating during the trip on the techniques of Kodokan Judo style (that is practiced by the first school of judo founder Jigoro Kano), which was a particular expert in the fight against soil, founded a dojo where the young Carlos Gracie, the son of Gastao, a wealthy businessman, became one of his best students.
Carlos began to teach the techniques learned from the master to his brothers, including a frail young and Helio Gracie.
This man, who well into adulthood kept his slim build, was the one who changed tenciche assumed the athletic qualities of this art that are not owned by him. So Helio
succeeded by studying a system of linkage to create a martial art tailored for him (and those like him did not have a great physical strength) by which
managed to get the better of opponents far more performance that him.
After the 'pulse of the Jiu Jitsu Helio, who took over as the distinctive character' s name "Brazilian", has never ceased its evolution to become a lifestyle and an educational methodology, giving a shock to the world of martial arts.

During our travels around the world, we have seen con i nostri occhi gli enormi benefici che questa disciplina porta nei ragazzi di tutte le età.
Le tecniche che costituiscono quest'arte marziale sono principalmente di atterramento e controllo del proprio avversario al suolo.
L'assenza di percussioni in arte marziale permette ai ragazzi di buttarsi a capofitto senza il pericolo di farsi del male.
Attraverso la pratica i bambini imparano a difendersi e nello stesso tempo sviluppando il proprio fisico accrescendone la consapevolezza motoria.
Oltre questo, è un attività che insegna i valori del rispetto, amicizia e sano agonismo, il tutto condito da un grande divertimento, thus helping to integrate children more timid and more exuberant children to calm down.

Friday, August 27, 2010

How To Adjust Radiator Temperature

The painting like you've never seen

We all know the painting in every type, from simple color design that is done in primary school, with wonderful paintings of the Renaissance and Renaissance, to the modern paintings that are not appreciated by all, or so the statistics say and interviews.

But what is painting? Everyone knows it but have no actual definition of what it means to paint. A similar self-definition may be as follows namely: the painting is the art of drawing and coloring pigments via specific idea of \u200b\u200breal or virtual, which is then printed on certain devices such as paper, canvas, wood, Wall and many others.

In a nutshell, si cosparge di colore, seguendo un proprio schema logico, una superficie per creare un tema artistico. A seconda di quello che l'autore, chiamato pittore, disegna e colora, viene quindi definita una natura dell'opera che può entrare a far parte delle tante correnti artistiche esistenti.

Logicamente la pittura, vista come forma artistica, non è solo un'utilizzo casuale di colore su di una tela, ma bensì è una delle arti più conosciute proprie perchè è una delle più complesse a seconda di determinati problemi di fondo come: il tipo di colore utilizzato, le luci e le ombre, il tipo di tecnica scelto, la variazione di tono sul colore e sulla tela.

Insomma esistono molti problemi che devono be studied and solved for good if you want to create a work worthy of note. On this site we want to answer key questions about the techniques of painting and the history of painting itself, discovering how it has evolved with the improvement of humanity's cultural and philosophical.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dyslexia Country Stats

Black Pinocchio

Taxi adrift
like shells on the shore or even worse
branches and items forgotten or stolen, taken away by the current

from any bank of origin.

Meet storms,
super mare
senz'ancoraggio anyone.
Marionette wireless
thousand faces and costumes.

The show is no longer driven
not even as good storytellers
eaters and pinocchio is but a dim memory of a dim wick
gray and alcoholic. Count and Countess

without hope they honor the audience and stage designers

for pleasure of power and possession ..
they are also the authors rather than public. Today

wear another mask to keep your game e..
subvert where and how you see it you know.

will choose carefully

gestures and words for each occurrence and palate
as a hunter prepares the night before each resource. So do not be surprised
baluglina of light in the eye,
without fire or brazier

apparent home ..

is late to worry about ...
were comfortable,
enjoy your show!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fins On Car Front Bumber?

Negrita - The flock

"It is time for the innocent
Is not it time this guy's ambition
grind their teeth
And fear is

Violence Strategy funziona, la rabbia funziona
Il panico rende, il popolo spende
Beatificando crimini ed economia


...non serve aggiungere altro..
per quanto civilizzato, altolocato, l'essere umano resta sempre un animale.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Did Goku Really Love Chichi

The Black Book BLACK BOOK ON Sometime

Nelle traversie lavorative,
nelle liti
nelle istigazioni/obblighi ai ruoli ..a fare,poi in fin dei conti, raffinati o meno, i cani da guardia dei capi..
a raccoglier sfide, lanciarne, all'assecondare il gioco e vincerne..

..a volte mi viene da chiermi chi ha vinto.
who is winning ...
vincere.tu I want to want to win, they want to win ..
everyone wins and loses something
but who really wins and what?

then I recall, after due consideration of all sides, that life is not here,
but "in here" is part of life anyway.
migiori would perhaps remember people and places?

unfortunately is not the world to be rotten, it
cities or places
but who the people ...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How Do You Beat Cube Runner

Sveg one day and find yourself surrounded by a swarm of corporate as well as elitist and arrogant IDIOTS!

This is the first page of my black book, a small, "TAG" ploy to enclose some of the put ...** I see, hear, I omit, collect or stand (as publishable, of course ... to laugh about it, because the real one ... )

Well: "The Black Book"!
.. yes, the Black Book, such as that in the mothers or aunts, old ones, you know? Those filled with leeks and broth that smelled of mothballs and filled us with sweet anise and horrible pinching (I hate ' anise), from kids telling us we'd end up if we did the bad guys.
bad, then .. let's face was pure sincerity ... but the truth hurts and the world is (too often survives) of masks! Who

knows maybe one day, given the numerous sources that I can draw, will be the Equal treatment of my book! I do not know if there are publishers so crazy ... but do not digress ...

Prologue too verbose, you say?
no, no gentlemen please go astray, believe me ... (and the use of the word "believe" instead of "trust" is not by chance ... take notes, could trnarvi useful)

It will go to those festivals that:

"Trust me!" "Dime you can trust, are the only one I can trust"
- but you're stupid / ao do you take me for that? -

To those "will not tell you trusted!"
- you do raise it for a ride? Lexical trick? Ok I'm Buying the L and around the wheel! -

Or those that "do as you prefer your haunting, it's your life I care about is you to be happy"
-ah .. blackmail are included in letting others do what you, oops, they want to do, he says, explains?! - Or those

"did you do this? And that you did? You have not already done? You waiting for?! Do it!"
- can I be frank with you, right? that aspect? you peels off from the balls and let me do! -

Since I have a little tooth poisoned ... if I bite my tongue from here tonight and I do not feel they see for a while, it may be that the biting language (requirement in this subject too often lately) I deadly poison! in which case, ricodatevi me on cold winter nights by the fireplace or Christmas because .. I have not cared even a little. (since I taught in practice that the good are never mentioned, but the bastards!)
And, yes, to answer your question is quiet, wonderful week .. tracurando for "quietovivere (quieto! TZH!) nontrscurabile some detail.

But no introduction may be worthy without being ention co-workers! Like those colleagues who
Ready Elisa? Hello.
-X Hello, how are you? -
"fine thanks not bad, I wanted to tell you that ..."
That-oh dear ... even though I was better before I call, do not you realize that it's just like saying ... buonacreanza and cares not a blessed Poker How are you and dare you not to even bring the question!? Ok poor, do not know this courtly manners pearls before swine ... .. I'll keep in mind, why waste them!

the next page black ...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tiffany Granath And Julie Ashton

A cryptic solitary mourning

A mourning
.. something ..

to remember .. ..

.. in greeting to a new beginning.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Schematic Boat Hull Diagram

sometimes be the most silent in the din of crashing waves
with the land,
certain silences.

Eghio alls feed refusal endless my masks and essences
by creating yet unknown.
s'apron and heal wounds
as blades, as autumn leaves,
soar in the wind ..
Janus, master, be Sibilla of my thoughts ..
and guardian. In

chest of a human being can not cherish so much!
in the breast of a man can not live as much value as
decadence and a woman so much strength weakness.
- -foolish! houses that and much worse, the needle of the balance in perpetual oscillation found in the decision-

Shout in the silence as well,
away from prying eyes, pretend
well of your strengths and weaknesses, if necessary
expertly displayed and hidden
your secrets, and little genuine inverbale

will be with me as a free port, safe.
Denies evidence but rejoice and be quiet in the smiles of what life gives.

sink your blade well too, Brutus
I do not fear, pain
undo the pain before it reaches the cold embrace.
He had in fact raised above the eye or the other
you just back down the ladder.
Only the rejection of injustice remains unharmed.

sometimes be the most silent in the din of crashing waves

nella lotta della marea
che alcuni silenzi.

Cullami Assenzio,
annulla ed esalta le mie sensazioni
ridisegnando i miei confini e limiti
sino a che non ve ne siano.
Whiskey porta alla mente dalle mie labbra il ricordo degli anni e delle ere
Mentre tu, Follia, carezzami piano
e voi Gloria, Amore e Virtù...seducetemi.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ulcers In Mouth And Throat Fever

Greetings Franky

..perchè in vero...
..ciò nonostante...

..non morirai mai. ci spiacerà non vedere nuovi scorci della tua visione..

Ciao,Frank Frazetta..

Friday, April 16, 2010

Clear Mucus After Period

Ansia: cos'è e come affrontarla

All information the nature, symptoms and treatment of anxiety on the "Anxiety"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Time Warner Phone Hook Up

Mighty technical and artistic achievements and a funeral ...

Eh si, è molto che non rimpinguo le pagine del mio antro, chiedo venia, miei cari, ma tra casa (che sta venendo sempre meglio nell'attesa non troppo distante di divenire a tutti gli effetti tana per me e la mia oscura metà), fiere, eventi e passaggi infernali di cambi di lavoro , il tempo è stato davvero esiguo, per non dire misero!

Che dirvi come prima cosa...ah si!
Piangiamo la Morte di "My Frankenstein"...
....fedele e vecchio compagno.....

Lo rimembro ancor
quand'era in fior...
...nei primi anni in cui imparavo Photoshop Cs2

.....Il mio caro vecchio pc è schiattato, morto defunto e si è portato via con se molto Unfortunately, my database illustrator, luckily the bulk of them do not have the backup I have in the original paper!
spoken of my PC ... it was not clear ??!!?? O_o
; D

welcome therefore, brethren, with great joy a new brother! MAC!
(pay no attention to the tears of "portfolio" is not a sentimental P)

Or more precisely Mac G5 with 23-inch Cinema display!
that pet has made my little heart beat is sick and corrupt from the start and is now a new keeper and assistant monsters born from my imagination (or queslla of some authors)-a reference is purely wanted naturalemnte- )

Ah, yes ... but it did not take hours since the shot was now long for the old administrative attention despite the assembled surgical almost half of my dark, he kicked the bucket making me the almost two months of hell itself (of course) completed as an illustration for sine ...
Well, we made the leap, you guys and we did it in style by switching to Mac!
(finally add);)

The roar of the fan and power supply sostiutito fused with sweet ...
half of tera hard disck, 2 gigs of ram (and this to start ..)
A monitor that made me feel the songs to only think of the heavenly quality of detail that will give me ....( 23 "inches instead del vecchio 19"pollici).. presento il mio nuovo comagno di ventura

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nausea After The Flu Vaccine

Gruppo di gestione dello stress

Registration is open to the "Group of stress management and relaxation techniques"
WHERE: The Studio of psychotherapy - Via Fabio Massimo, 95 (Prati)
WHEN: Monday 19.30 - 20.30 (Total 8 matches)
INFO AND RESERVATIONS: Dr. Berruti Sunday - Cell 331.1014364

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Radeon 9000 Monitor Support 1680x1050


all live stress frequently more or less large, emotions that often can not understand and can be converted in symptoms.
Only by increasing awareness of what happens to us we can give coherence to what otherwise is incomprehensible to us

Cervix Low Hard And Open 1 Week Before Period


Dr. Berruti, a psychologist and psychotherapist, received in Rome by appointment, in: .
. Viale dell'Arte, 91 (Eur-area Metro Eur Fermi)
. Via Fabio Massimo, 95 (Prati-Metro Ottaviano)

To contact Dr. Berruti:
Cell: 331.1014364