Thursday, January 31, 2008

Create Your Own Wwe Title Belt

talkative seller - the seller must be an engineer?

Yes and no. E 'key that those who propose a product / service is familiar with what he speaks, since the sale is not a simple take-home orders, but it is a real advice that is offered to potential clients in order to make him a good deal (without neglecting the legitimate purpose that the seller is the gain, if obtained honestly).

Thus, the seller must have a good mastery of the subject, although it is not reasonable to expect that he knows every detail, since it is a seller, in fact, not a head of production. It 'also true that these two figures (the producer and sells) must work closely together, so that the seller, when you "caught" by the customer not to know the answer to his question, reserves should ask those who know more about him, and to send then the desired response as soon as possible.

Yet, in talks the seller must not do the technical , going into details manufactured and quality! "But ... as - usual question of the reader - must be very familiar with the product, and then must not expose the information in its possession?" Of course not! The seller must only confine itself to explain the functionality of the product in question, what it is, particularly in relation to the needs of specific customer with whom you are report (see Lesson 2 ...); everything else is superfluous and dispersive and even jeopardize the success of the negotiation. The background of responsibility is simply to identify the best solution for the customer and display it in the most convincing possible. In the technical details you enter only if the client explicitly wanting to know more ...

In this respect ...
argomento del prossimo post: il venditore chiacchierone . Pubblicazione: entro sabato 23 febbraio .

A presto!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Green Curry Paste Sale

Lesson 2 - Still on the essence of the sale ...

La seconda risposta corretta alla domanda "Cosa si vende?" (per la prima risposta vedi "Lesson 1") è che non si vende un prodotto, bensì un concetto . Eh sì, ciò che interessa all'acquirente non è il prodotto in sé, ma il bisogno che attraverso quel prodotto può essere soddisfatto. Quindi is to understand what we need can be met by our product, and then go to look for people who might have such a need, and then let him know that our product meets the need in question. "Wow! Not easy!" someone might object at this point. Not at all. It 's much easier than it looks.

things first. Before you start selling something we have to extrapolate the concept of its utility . Example: sell furniture. That meet the needs of our furniture? Can satisfy the need for convenience, or to be considered a person of good taste by guests who visit their homes, or the need to possess objects resistance is reliable, that over time, do not disturb and do not need to be repaired, or the need to have a functional furniture, which exploits the limited space of our small apartment in the best possible way, and so on.

We plant them in mind the concept of utility, the functionality of what we sell, and then presents it to the prospective buyer, to which we must understand how our product meets their needs. Here are the key to attract. But this is not enough ...

Topic of next post: the technical competence of the product.
Published: Thursday, January 31 by .
Until next time!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

427 Silverado Ss Concept For Sale

Lesson 1 - The essence of the essence of the sale

What do you sell? the first answer that comes to mind, the most natural, it probably is: "A product". Wrong! If you want to succeed in sales, need to change mindset, and focus on something else, on something different than the object (or service) in question.

So again: what you sell? Answer: "First of all, ourselves." Right!
the FIRST correct answer is: "Sell us themselves. "No, no, piano, no hurry conclusions ... do not you not say that we have to prostitute!

It is, rather, to gain acceptance and win the confidence of the party. We must never forget that a transaction or a transaction generally occurs between people, and therefore is not just a cold, mathematical question of figures (price, quantity traded, general market value, etc.. etc.. etc..), but a real interaction between two (or more) human beings, involving all their idiosyncrasies of baggage (ie personal characteristics), and then all their wealth of social needs as well as real irrationality (at least from the standpoint of profit per se, that is pure and simple gain ).

So the first aspect that we must focus, is ourselves. And on this blog this aspect will be treated to a very thorough. The next "lesson", however, will be devoted to a question that someone will be sprung to mind reading this post ...

Argomento del prossimo post: La SECONDA risposta corretta alla domanda: cosa si vende? Pubblicazione: entro lunedì 21 gennaio .

A presto!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

What Implantation Bleeding Looks Like

Praise of sales techniques (and, more generally, negotiation and persuasion)

Tempo addietro Erasmo da Rotterdam tessé l' Elogio della follia ... i mpresa decisamente ardua elog iare la follia, eppure, a pensarci bene, essa può avere effettivamente dei risvolti positivi ; in this blog, more modestly, us to devote company less difficult and glorious : praise of techniques sales. Useful undertaking, however, since in our lives contexts sales and, more generally, trading, use very Frequenz to even if we are not professional sellers. Some example?

How many times we've run ads in which we proposed items we did not need more, or we have made in sell our old car or a house, look ndo not only "square" but also to obtain the highest revenue can ?

We are buyers, or even of "simple" consumers? So, we constantly deal with people who want to sell us something, and then there will certainly be useful to know their techniques of persuasion to to better defend our interests if not, just for not fool us .

We are craftsmen of , professionals or, more generally, piece workers ? Then we must necessarily "sell" our work, convince our potential customers vantaggiosità of our professional service, as well as to pay us well .

employees, directors or ? So we had to support the talks work , and convince a company to hire and, in time, do not send us away , as well as grant and the increases. We need to "sell" our utilities for that company.

produce something? We provide services ? So we know that is not only important to know how to make, but also know how to sell!

also life is made of continuous transactions and negotiations: between colleagues, between friends, between men and women, between parents and children, siblings, everyone is trying to "sell" to better themselves and their needs, and confirm with the counterparty as possible . Sure, relationships are not made only of transactions, not at all, but in any relationship is bound to occur in small, if not great, buying and selling. Our negotiating skills, then, and awareness of psychological mechanisms that underlie the transactions of life, can make for great services, and improve the quality of our relations. To be sure, through this awareness, we know more about ourselves and other .

Finally, a word for the professional trader : like any other profession, also require the sale of learning techniques, and even of skill, that of professional skills, and who work in this field knows that selling is not easy, and those who are convinced that it is enough to have the attitude, be friendly and talkative, soon realizes that it is intended to starve, or to change careers. The seller is a professional in effect and if it can get very good results (without resorting to dishonest methods) has every right to be proud of himself and of his profession, which, in countries of Anglo-Saxon culture , is even reputed of the most prestigious !

post in the coming days will be published on the fundamentals of sales, negotiation and persuasion. Over time, will be carried out numerous investigations. The author of this blog has gained over 10 years of experience in sales (in different sectors and types), account management e gestione del personale .

Prossimo post: entro mercoledì 16 gennaio ; argomento: l'essenza della vendita .

A presto!!