Sunday, January 20, 2008

Green Curry Paste Sale

Lesson 2 - Still on the essence of the sale ...

La seconda risposta corretta alla domanda "Cosa si vende?" (per la prima risposta vedi "Lesson 1") è che non si vende un prodotto, bensì un concetto . Eh sì, ciò che interessa all'acquirente non è il prodotto in sé, ma il bisogno che attraverso quel prodotto può essere soddisfatto. Quindi is to understand what we need can be met by our product, and then go to look for people who might have such a need, and then let him know that our product meets the need in question. "Wow! Not easy!" someone might object at this point. Not at all. It 's much easier than it looks.

things first. Before you start selling something we have to extrapolate the concept of its utility . Example: sell furniture. That meet the needs of our furniture? Can satisfy the need for convenience, or to be considered a person of good taste by guests who visit their homes, or the need to possess objects resistance is reliable, that over time, do not disturb and do not need to be repaired, or the need to have a functional furniture, which exploits the limited space of our small apartment in the best possible way, and so on.

We plant them in mind the concept of utility, the functionality of what we sell, and then presents it to the prospective buyer, to which we must understand how our product meets their needs. Here are the key to attract. But this is not enough ...

Topic of next post: the technical competence of the product.
Published: Thursday, January 31 by .
Until next time!


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