Thursday, January 3, 2008

What Implantation Bleeding Looks Like

Praise of sales techniques (and, more generally, negotiation and persuasion)

Tempo addietro Erasmo da Rotterdam tessé l' Elogio della follia ... i mpresa decisamente ardua elog iare la follia, eppure, a pensarci bene, essa può avere effettivamente dei risvolti positivi ; in this blog, more modestly, us to devote company less difficult and glorious : praise of techniques sales. Useful undertaking, however, since in our lives contexts sales and, more generally, trading, use very Frequenz to even if we are not professional sellers. Some example?

How many times we've run ads in which we proposed items we did not need more, or we have made in sell our old car or a house, look ndo not only "square" but also to obtain the highest revenue can ?

We are buyers, or even of "simple" consumers? So, we constantly deal with people who want to sell us something, and then there will certainly be useful to know their techniques of persuasion to to better defend our interests if not, just for not fool us .

We are craftsmen of , professionals or, more generally, piece workers ? Then we must necessarily "sell" our work, convince our potential customers vantaggiosità of our professional service, as well as to pay us well .

employees, directors or ? So we had to support the talks work , and convince a company to hire and, in time, do not send us away , as well as grant and the increases. We need to "sell" our utilities for that company.

produce something? We provide services ? So we know that is not only important to know how to make, but also know how to sell!

also life is made of continuous transactions and negotiations: between colleagues, between friends, between men and women, between parents and children, siblings, everyone is trying to "sell" to better themselves and their needs, and confirm with the counterparty as possible . Sure, relationships are not made only of transactions, not at all, but in any relationship is bound to occur in small, if not great, buying and selling. Our negotiating skills, then, and awareness of psychological mechanisms that underlie the transactions of life, can make for great services, and improve the quality of our relations. To be sure, through this awareness, we know more about ourselves and other .

Finally, a word for the professional trader : like any other profession, also require the sale of learning techniques, and even of skill, that of professional skills, and who work in this field knows that selling is not easy, and those who are convinced that it is enough to have the attitude, be friendly and talkative, soon realizes that it is intended to starve, or to change careers. The seller is a professional in effect and if it can get very good results (without resorting to dishonest methods) has every right to be proud of himself and of his profession, which, in countries of Anglo-Saxon culture , is even reputed of the most prestigious !

post in the coming days will be published on the fundamentals of sales, negotiation and persuasion. Over time, will be carried out numerous investigations. The author of this blog has gained over 10 years of experience in sales (in different sectors and types), account management e gestione del personale .

Prossimo post: entro mercoledì 16 gennaio ; argomento: l'essenza della vendita .

A presto!!


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