Thursday, January 31, 2008

Create Your Own Wwe Title Belt

talkative seller - the seller must be an engineer?

Yes and no. E 'key that those who propose a product / service is familiar with what he speaks, since the sale is not a simple take-home orders, but it is a real advice that is offered to potential clients in order to make him a good deal (without neglecting the legitimate purpose that the seller is the gain, if obtained honestly).

Thus, the seller must have a good mastery of the subject, although it is not reasonable to expect that he knows every detail, since it is a seller, in fact, not a head of production. It 'also true that these two figures (the producer and sells) must work closely together, so that the seller, when you "caught" by the customer not to know the answer to his question, reserves should ask those who know more about him, and to send then the desired response as soon as possible.

Yet, in talks the seller must not do the technical , going into details manufactured and quality! "But ... as - usual question of the reader - must be very familiar with the product, and then must not expose the information in its possession?" Of course not! The seller must only confine itself to explain the functionality of the product in question, what it is, particularly in relation to the needs of specific customer with whom you are report (see Lesson 2 ...); everything else is superfluous and dispersive and even jeopardize the success of the negotiation. The background of responsibility is simply to identify the best solution for the customer and display it in the most convincing possible. In the technical details you enter only if the client explicitly wanting to know more ...

In this respect ...
argomento del prossimo post: il venditore chiacchierone . Pubblicazione: entro sabato 23 febbraio .

A presto!


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